Python Language
Python Language Master Class
Welcome to our Python Language Master Class!
Get ready to learn about the coding language Python and how you can start earning from it.
Register for your spot now!
The full course outline is at the bottom of the page.
Make sure to join our Telegram group for enquiries by clicking the button below.
There are two main classes
1. Online Classes – Ksh 15,000
2. Physical Classes – Ksh 30,000/=
You can pay in three ways
Online Classes
1. First Half Workshop – Ksh 10,000/=
2. Second Half Workshop – Ksh 7,000/=
3. Full Workshop – Ksh 15,000/=
Physical Classes
1. First Half Workshop – Ksh 20,000/=
2. Second Half Workshop – Ksh 13,000/=
3. Full Workshop – Ksh 30,000/=
Note: Physical Classes are only available in Nairobi
Business no. – 600100
Account no. – 0100007332259
Stanbic Bank
Enter your personal details below:
Python Language Course Outline
This is what you will learn on the workshop
Week 1: Introduction to Python
Session 1:
1. Installing Python and an editor
2. Basic syntax and variables
Session 2:
3. Printing output
4. Basic data types: integers, floats, strings, and booleans
Session 3:
5. Simple math operations
6. Getting user input
Week 2: Control Flow and Functions
Session 1:
1. Conditional statements (if/else)
2. Loops (for and while)
Session 2:
3. Functions and parameters
Session 3:
4. Scope
Week 3: Lists and Dictionaries
Session 1:
1. Lists and list operations
2. Dictionaries and dictionary operations
Session 2:
3. List and dictionary comprehensions
Session 3:
4. Tuples and sets
Week 4: File Handling and Modules
Session 1:
1. Opening and reading files
2. Writing to files
Session 2:
3. CSV and JSON files
Session 3:
4. Using modules
5. Creating and importing modules
Week 5: Object-Oriented Programming
Session 1:
1. Classes and objects
Session 2:
2. Methods and attributes
Session 3:
3. Inheritance
4. Polymorphism
Week 6: Web Scraping and APIs
Session 1:
1. Requests library
2. HTML and CSS basics
Session 2:
3. Scraping web pages
Session 3:
4. Working with APIs (RESTful API)
Week 7: Data Analysis and Visualization
Session 1:
1. NumPy basics
Session 2:
2. Pandas’ basic
Session 3:
3. Matplotlib basics
4. Seaborn basics
Week 8: Final Project
1. Building a simple application using the concepts learned in the course
Thank you for Registering!